My Fascinating Neck Pain

For the last few months, there was an important conversation I'd been putting off. One morning a few weeks ago, I decided today was the day. I'd muster up the courage, have dinner with this person, and talk things out. 


Within 10 minutes of deciding to have this conversation, my neck went out. 


I went from having zero neck issues to a surfacing of tension so dramatic I could hardly move my head without pain. All this transpired while peacefully washing my hair in the shower; which is to say, there was no injury whatsoever. 


Given all I've learned about the mind-body connection, my first reaction was to start laughing. Body, really?!


While I wasn’t thrilled to have these neck issues, I also knew what was happening in my neck meant we were working through something important.


You see, our neck is connected to speaking or sharing our truth.


When we don’t share our truth, physical tension and emotions can accumulate in and around our neck, jaw, throat, and shoulders. This tension is real. It’s physical, even though it’s connected to our mind and emotions.


Sometimes we feel this tension, and other times - like in my case - the tension is buried inside and we're unaware of it.


That evening, I ended up having the conversation where I was able to share things that had been in my head and on my heart for many years. It was nerve-wracking, and also a relief.


Throughout the conversation, I’d periodically check my neck to see if the pain and mobility were getting better. By the next day, my neck not only felt better. But it felt more relaxed and spacious than it had in ages.


Why am I sharing this?


Because our bodies are constantly responding to our decisions and actions. Way more than we realize.


In my case, this pain was a sign that long-held tension and emotions were surfacing so they could be released from my body. My neck was also letting me know this conversation was even more important than I realized.

While I didn’t enjoy the pain, I was in awe of this experience. After over a decade immersing myself in somatics, I’m still amazed by how interconnected our bodies are with our everyday lives and emotions.

We so often misunderstand what our bodies are telling us because our bodies are complicated. And yet, these messages are valuable.

For me, they were a sign of emotions releasing and healing that was in progress. Other times, our body’s messages are connected to our intuition, like a hunch or gut instinct that are not to be underestimated. And still other times, our body’s messages let us know we need medical attention. Had my pain continued, I would have seen my doctor and craniosacral therapist.

With all of this, my invitation for you is to pay attention to your body with a sense of curiosity. Even when it hurts.

What could your body be communicating to you? Are there any emotions present? Is there anything your body needs?

Perhaps your body’s pain and messages are more intriguing and meaningful than you realize.

I’m curious, has anything like this happened to you? How often are you surprised or bewildered by your body’s messages? Send me a note or share in the comments.


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