Leadership Coaching

It’s inevitable that issues will arise in your career that are stressful and difficult to resolve on your own. Leadership coaching that’s grounded in somatics can provide an outside perspective and new strategies to work through these challenges.

This way, you can strengthen your interpersonal skills, communication, and team collaboration, while deepening your leadership presence and wellbeing along the way. Interested in learning more?

Why Leadership Coaching?

Leadership coaching grounded in somatics can support you at any stage of your career. This approach integrates body awareness and somatic practices with more traditional leadership development strategies. The benefits include:

  • Somatic practices can deepen your self-awareness by connecting physical sensations with emotions and thought patterns. This awareness can help you better understand your strengths and opportunities for growth.

  • Working with somatics can help you develop a leadership style that’s unique to you and aligned with your strengths and values.

    Leadership that’s guided by both your head and your heart is oftentimes far more compelling and effective at inspiring others.

    Authentic leadership can also help you stay motivated when inevitable challenges arise, can help you overcome imposter syndrome, and can help you show up at work in a way that honors your strengths and personality.

  • Somatics provides a fresh perspective and strategies for emotional intelligence and stress management. Learning tools to work with your own emotions and those of others can help you stay centered even under stress and can strengthen your connection with others.

  • Improving your emotional intelligence, non-verbal communication and presence can help you build trust and foster collaborative relationships.

    Strengthening your communication and relationship skills can also help you navigate conflict with more ease, improve cross-cultural communication, help you give and receive honest feedback, set boundaries, and speak up with clarity and kindness.

  • Somatic practices can help you access your intuition which for many is held in the body, and make decisions aligned with this deeper wisdom.

    This can help you with decision-fatigue, managing your time effectively, getting clarity about your vision for the future, and developing strategies that are informed by your head, heart, and gut.

  • Working with emotions and beliefs held in the body can improve your leadership and wellbeing. Somatic practices can release physical tension, can clear energetic blocks, and can help you feel more calm.

Leadership coaching can help you navigate the obstacles that arise in your everyday work life, in addition to helping with the deeper introspection that’s key for lasting change. Through this work, my goal is to help you become even more effective as a leader so you can inspire positive change in your organization and beyond.


Leadership coaching is scheduled as part of a six week program, which includes six one-hour sessions that are all virtual. Each session is one-on-one. Sessions include a combination of talking, somatic or mind-body, and more traditional leadership skills and strategies. Pricing for the program is $1,500.

Curious if leadership coaching is right for you? Let’s talk! Scroll down to schedule your free coaching consultation.

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  • Words from Kim H:

    After years of “traditional” corporate professional development, somatic leadership coaching with Elizabeth was a breath of fresh air. Past trainings left me with a checklist of things to do but without an understanding of why they might be difficult to implement. Following Elizabeth’s expert guidance, I was able to better understand the root issues holding me back and learn how to work with, not against, the mental and physical responses to tough work situations. With this knowledge, I feel equipped to practice with the new tools gained in these sessions and move forward.

  • Words from Flannery N:

    “Working with Elizabeth was such an enriching experience. I considered myself fairly in tune with my body before beginning somatic coaching. But she showed me how much deeper I could go in my awareness and understanding of how my body is communicating with me. Elizabeth’s presence is incredibly grounding and she knows just how to guide you to your own realizations so that you can gain confidence in listening to the wisdom your body is waiting for your mind to discover.

    I highly recommend working with Elizabeth if you feel stuck in any way, even if you aren’t quite sure why – she will help you uncover it and give you the tools to move forward.”

  • Words from Judy C:

    “Elizabeth helped me identify what my body’s response was to certain thoughts or emotions and it was mind boggling! This work helped me delve into myself in a way I hadn’t experienced before. The connection of mind and body is so underrated and desperately needed in our ongoing journey of self.”

  • Words from JC:

    “When I am in a stressful situation, my body often betrays me. My breathing feels constricted, my mind feels fuzzy. I feel tension in my neck and back; sometimes I feel fatigued, irritated, or overwhelmed. I am unable to tap into all that knowledge that is stored in my brain to change my present situation. It’s left me wondering: what can I do to calm my mind in the moment? Is there something I can do to shift my body to help me think differently?

    That’s where Elizabeth’s work comes in. She takes a holistic approach to leadership. It’s a somatic approach that has the same roots in somatic therapy — a form of body-centered therapy that looks at the connection of mind and body and uses both psychotherapy and physical therapies for holistic healing. This approach makes a ton of sense to me.

    Elizabeth helps you improve how you feel in your body ... and teaches you the techniques you need to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. The idea is that our body is the channel to our mind. When you improve your mental wellbeing, you can show up the way you want to show up in any situation.

    To me, that’s the holy grail of leadership.”