What is Somatics?

Most people have heard the term somatics but aren’t sure what it means. The root of the word, soma, refers to the body.

Somatics serves as an overarching category for therapies grounded in the body. Certain styles of coaching, bodywork, meditation, psychotherapy, and movement practices aim to align the body, mind, and emotions for the sake of healing.

This healing can include mental and emotional challenges as well as physical injuries.

The word somatics is also used in another manner. In her book “Awakening Somatic Intelligence: The Art and Practice of Embodied Mindfulness,” Risa Kaparo uses the term to “imply a first-person, here-now, all-at-once, embodied intelligence – how we sense, feel, and know ourselves on a process level – from the inside out.”

Through somatics, we connect to an intelligence in the body that has wisdom not only in regards to keeping our heart pumping. But wisdom that relates to how we can heal and live in a manner aligned with our innermost self and values.

For many people, somatics provides an entry point to shift from their hyper-rational way of understanding the world to an emotional and spiritual perspective as well.

In his book “The Awakening Body: Somatic Meditation for Discovering Our Deepest Life,” Dr. Reginald Ray says,

“We find in the body an objective witness to our life that has no investment whatsoever in our skewed ego-versions of things. In addition, our soma not only knows the truth of how it is with us, others, and the world, but it appreciates and, in a strange way, delights in everything.

Even more, it wants to communicate this to us and provide mentoring. Our soma is literally an infinite ocean of practical wisdom.”

At Sound Somatics, our offerings intend to connect people to this “infinite ocean of practical wisdom” held in the body.

What Can Somatics Help With?

Through craniosacral therapy, we offer a hands-on approach to connecting to this wisdom for the sake of healing.

Many clients seek this work for relief from physical ailments, and in the process notice shifts on other levels of their being – emotional, psychological, and energetic levels.

Meanwhile somatic coaching occurs though online sessions and connects people to the wisdom in their bodies for the sake of personal and leadership development.

Speaking engagements and trainings are also available for teams interested in applying somatics to improve their culture and organization.

The foundation of our offerings is to reconnect us to the forgotten, mysterious, and delightful world of the body. And through this connection, reclaim health, joy, and meaning in our lives.

If you’re looking for support with somatics, reach out today!

What is Somatics

Embodied Mindfulness Practice