Looking Ahead in 2024

One of my favorite parts of 2024 so far is my work is not nearly as woo as it once was.

For example during the college football championship game last week, did you see what the Michigan quarterback did before and after the game?

Before the game started, JJ McCarthy went to the end zone, took off his cleats, and started grounding. Then he sat down with his back against the goal post, closed his eyes, and started meditating. In the post-game interview, he talked about he’d visualized this moment all year long.

The best part about all of this was as the announcers described these practices, they did so matter-of-factly. And these were football guys!

They didn’t make a fuss about these practices being unusual; instead talked about how important they are for his leadership. Which, by the way, was phenomenal during the game. While I wanted the Washington Huskies to win, I secretly was thrilled McCarthy took home the top prize.

In this last year, I’ve seem many moments like this where somatic-based practices are becoming far more embraced. I’m also no longer quizzical looks and head tilts when people hear about my work.

When people hear I’m a leadership coach and I also do energy work, for example, it makes sense to them. Because if you want to change your leadership, you have to change your energy. Or if you want to feel less stressed and overwhelmed, you have to release tension and emotions from your body.

While my work is still an alternative approach to leadership development, in 2024, it’s no longer nearly as woo as it once was. So if you’re looking at doing some of this inner work to shift how you’re showing up in your leadership or life in 2024, here are a few offerings to consider:

Personal Pathway:

Somatic Coaching

Craniosacral Therapy

Professional Pathway:

Embodied Leadership Coaching

Trainings & Workshops

And if you’d like to try something to try right now, take a note from McCarthy. Take off your shoes, feel your feet on the ground, and notice if your body starts to feel more calm and centered. Here’s to a bright and peaceful year ahead!

If you're interested in somatics for professional or personal growth, offerings include: somatic coaching, craniosacral therapy and Embodied Leadership coaching and workshops.

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