I’m Awed By This Approach to Cultivate Wellbeing

“The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.

It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in numberless shades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers.

It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of life and death, in ebb and flow.”

- Rabindranath Tagore

Craniosacral therapy is a hands-on manual therapy.

It’s partially focused on balancing the body’s energy flow. It’s also focused on balancing the body’s physical structures, particularly, though not exclusively, around the head, spine, hips and sacrum.

In assessing the energy flow in a person’s body, as craniosacral therapists we use our hands to listen to various layers of energy called “tides.”

There are 3 main tides, each with it’s own properties, rhythm, and role in our health. The deepest of which called, long tide, contains potent healing energy that affects every cell. In sessions, we can perceive this tide to support clients.

In his book “Wisdom in the Body,” Dr. Michael Kern states that long tide is “at the foundation of all regulatory functions of the body and clinically, its emergence indicates a reconnection to our deepest resource of health.”

This means that the long tide energy directly impacts our physical wellbeing and can be accessed to amplify health. This is one of our goals in a craniosacral therapy session.

With a sensitive awareness, we can feel the flow of long tide within ourselves, and as craniosacral practitioners, we use our hands to feel a client’s long tide.

One of the exquisite features of long tide is it has the same timing and rhythm in all humans, plants and living organisms.

Long Tide in Craniosacral Therapy

Your long tide and my long tide have the same pace in this moment. They’re also synced up with the timing of long tide in the “numberless shades of grass and … tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers” as mentioned in the opening quote.

In fact, we can consider the opening quote as a poetic and accurate description of long tide itself.

Why is this important?

Knowing about long tide can reassure us that we have in each of us a life force that connects us all to each other, to the earth, and to our individual and collective healing.

Our bodies and the earth hold this inner wellspring of health that’s always available to support us and the environment in supporting our collective ability to flourish.

Want to learn more? Click here for details about craniosacral therapy and click the button below to schedule your appointment.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Seattle

Biodynamic craniosacral therapy works with numerous energy patterns in the body to release tension and amplify its inherent health. One of these patterns in the body, called long tide, is present throughout nature including in all plants and animals. I’m continuously awed by working with long tide in my craniosacral therapy practice because of its healing properties. If you’d like to experience long tide, look for “biodynamic craniosacral therapy” in your area. If you’re in the Greater Seattle Area, I would be happy to work with you as part of your healing journey.


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