3 Simple Strategies for Election Day Stress

In case you’d like few ideas for navigating tomorrow’s election day stress, here are 3 simple strategies. While these won’t get rid of stress, they’re relatively quick, easy, and might not be on your radar.

1. Be mindful of your shoes.

If there’s any day to prioritize comfort over style when it comes to shoes, tomorrow is the day. Our feet have a strong connection with our nervous system, which means the more comfortable our feet are, the more easily our nervous systems can relax.

So, put away your heals and pointy shoes and opt for flats, ideally with arch support, or sneakers. When you can, take your shoes off so your feet have direct contact with the floor. This can help your nervous system feel more grounded with very little effort.

2. Skip the meditation.

We all know meditation is a common suggestion for dealing with stress. While it has incredible benefits, I find the more stressed we are, the less useful meditation is in that moment.

This is because when there’s cortisol coursing through us, our bodies need to move. When we’re stressed, sitting still is oftentimes one of the worst things for our bodies and with that, for our minds.

Just like dogs shake during stressful situations, or trees sway during a storm, movement allows the stress response to pass through and out of us.

Instead of meditating, consider going for a walk or shaking your arms and legs. As I watch the election results come in, I’ll likely take breaks from the couch to do jumping jacks and lift 5 pound weights.

Try any movement that feels good in your body, even if it’s just for a minute or two, and then by all means feel free to meditate or sit still afterward.

While I hope you can keep these two strategies in mind tomorrow, the next one is by far the most important.

3. Remind your body that it’s safe.

In stressful circumstances, our nervous systems and bodies assess the situation as being unsafe. When this happens, our physical tissues and energy body contract inward. The more we’re in this contracted state, the more our physical and mental health become impacted over time.

So tomorrow, it can be helpful to remind our bodies that we’re safe. For example, you could see how your body responds to the statement, “What if I’m safe, regardless of the election results.” You might want to repeat this throughout the day.

The more our nervous systems and bodies feel safe and supported, the more uplifted and hopeful we can feel. This in turn can send positive energy to those around us, which on days like tomorrow, will be needed more than ever.

Feeling stressed is to be expected, but we don't need that stress to bring us down and keep us feeling low. Instead, I hope these strategies and any of your other go-tos can help you move through and release the day’s stress. This way, you can feel as peaceful and optimistic as possible!

Somatics can provide strategies to deal with stress, so you can feel more uplifted and hopeful. The mind-body connection is key to move through stress.

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